Where do you find comfort?

Is your comfort in food, words, music, exercise, how many like you get on social media , or people ? I mean the list can go on and on …

The crazy thing about these “things” are most of them continue to fail us over and over. As Christians we are supposed to take all comfort in God. However, as time goes on, life happens, and situations occur what did we do in those situations? What gave us peace, reassurance, calmed the nerves , or encouraged our spirit.

For me I found my comfort in words, and sometimes people. Now looking back that is a SCARY thing. We all know people change, words fail , and inconsistency is a major factor. I was putting my comfort and trust in the WRONG pocket.

In my mind I imagine God waving his hands in front of me like

“JANA I AM HERE …. Come to me, find comfort in me , ill ease the pain, I’ll give you reassurance”.

Though I failed to realize this in the past , I am so glad he is teaching me that now. Lately, especially in these last two weeks I have been hearing God so clear. In my praying , mediating , reading , and even listing to messages  he has confirmed that I need to cling to the understanding that through him all things are good. Even more in HIM there is always a YES, and he is my everlasting comforter in all my afflictions.

I was reading 2 Corinthians 1. The whole chapter jumped at me. Let’s look at some of these verses :

3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.

So not only is this comfort for us , its for others.  God instructs us to share how he comforted us with others going through these same situations – always pointing them to the lord.

This next verse one was my favorite!

20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so, through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

Ahh I just love that. This year I vowed to be a woman who says YES to God even when I do not understand it . In this verse , I gained my own perspective:  when I say yes to God and walk in his obedience then he always says Yes to the promises he has for me.

Some might ask what if God never answers me or he says no to what I ask? How do I find comfort in that? I have been currently reading What happens when woman say yes to God, and  I think Lysa Terkeurst described it the perfect way;

“ when he says no it is for my protection, provision , and its part of the process of growing me more like Christ”

That is not just for woman , it’s for everyone . Know that God wants you to trust him! I can be comforted knowing that.

 I found pure joy writing this because in him there is consistency , his word is true and everlasting. I will never have to be confused or wonder if he is there – He always is.  

Love YALL.

God Chased me?

Sometimes it is hard to believe that. Through all I have done, and even when I ran, he chased me down.?

That’s the thing I didn’t truly understand  was God’s love for me. I mean we recite john 3:16 in our sleep “ For Gods so loved the world he gave his only begotten son … you know the rest lol ”. unfortunately, I didn’t really grasp what that meant for me individually.

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